The scope of the project is the development of narrative museum scenarios with the use of innovative augmented and virtual reality applications for an experiential, personalized visit to the Tomato Industrial Museum "D. Nomikos" (TIM), in Vlychada, Santorini that has been transformed into a "museum of its own self".
The aim of the project is the development and production of digital applications, based on a complex, interactive and spatially evolving "narrative", adapted to the location/spatial arrangement of the exhibits and visitors' route, during their tour at the Tomato Industrial Museum "D. Nomikos", namely:
    .1Augmented Reality (AR) Application
    .2Virtual Reality (VR) Application
    .3Sound footprint of machines and factory environment for creating a landscape
    .4Digital recovery of damaged data of the historical mechanical equipment
    .5Customised applications for personalized narrative tour
    .6Customised applications for the narrative tour of people with limited vision and limited mobility
The objectives of the project are:
    .1to save and highlight the material and intangible cultural capital of a particular agricultural production of Santorini and its industrial development
    .2to develop applications that meet the innovative features of the Museum of the 21st century, and in particular: a. in the combination of audiovisual physical and digital representation, b. in the development of multisensory experiences, c. in the active participation of the end user / potential visitor in shaping the museum experience, and d. in improving the accessibility of people with disabilities
    .3to integrate innovative technologies in cultural applications and to develop tools that can be used as multipliers, to create new material
    .4to encourage partnerships between Culture / Tourism / New Technologies, through the development, presentation, and promotion of a versatile cultural product
    .5to strengthen the connection of academic research in the field of Cultural Heritage Management and New Technologies with the practical utilisation of the results by active cultural bodies